Friday, November 29, 2019

Isolation of Essential Oils from Eugenol free essay sample

Anyone who has walked through a forest or who enjoys the variety of fragrances that flowers have to offer knows that many plants and trees have their own distinctively pleasant odors. These odors are due to the volatile essential oils, many of which have been prized commodities since ancient times. If a list of commercially important essential oils was compiled the list would exceed 200 essential oils. Thyme, garlic, peppermint, and spearmint are but a few examples of the many essential oils used in commercial goods. Essential oils have many applications in the world that can range from flavor enhancement to perfumes. Some oils have also been found to have medicinal properties such as antibacterial and antifungal abilities. Chaulmoogra oil is one of the few know curative agents for leprosy. The oils can also be used in the paint industry, where turpentine is used as a solvent for many paint products. These oils are often found in the intracellular spaces and glands of plant tissue. We will write a custom essay sample on Isolation of Essential Oils from Eugenol or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The oils may be located throughout the entire plant, but are often concentrated in the seeds or flowers of the plant. Many of the essential oils are steam-volatile and can undergo steam distillation to isolate the oils. Another method of oil extraction from these plants is through both solvent extraction and pressing methods. The functional group that is mostly responsible for the characteristic odors and flavors of fruit and flowers is the ester. Although the ester composes most of the scents it is not totally responsible for all scents. Beside the ester functional group an essential oil can also possess complex mixtures of hydrocarbons, alcohols, and carbonyl groups. These compounds usually belong to one of two groups of natural products called terpenes or phenylpropanoids. Investigation of the essential oils in the nineteenth century found that many of the pleasant odors we obtain from nature contained exactly 10 carbon atoms in the compound. These 10-carbon compounds later became known as terpenes if they were hydrocarbons. If the compound contained oxygen in an alcohol, ketone, or aldehyde functional group it was called a terpenoid. It was eventually found that minor and less volatile compounds containing 15, 20, 30, and 40 carbon atoms also exist that give an odor. Since the 10-carbon compounds were at the time called terpenes they changed the name to monoterpenes. The other terpenes were classified in the following way. Class

Monday, November 25, 2019

4 Ways To Say It in Spanish

4 Ways To Say It in Spanish It is one of the most common English words, but its direct equivalent in Spanish, ello, isnt used much. Thats mostly because Spanish has other ways of saying it - or not stating it at all. This lesson looks at translations for it in four situations, depending on how it is used in relation to the other words in a sentence: as the subject of a sentence, as the direct object of a verb, as an indirect object of a verb and as the object of a preposition. Saying It in Spanish as the Subject of a Sentence Because it has an extensive verb conjugation, Spanish is able to frequently omit the subjects of sentences entirely, depending on the context to make clear what the subject is. When the subject of a sentence is inanimate, something that would be referred to as it, it is very unusual in Spanish to use a subject at all:  ¿Dà ³nde est el telà ©fono? Est aquà ­. (Where is the telephone? It is here. Note how in this and the following sentences that there is no Spanish word given to translate it.)Est roto. (It is broken.)Hoy comprà © una computadora porttil. Es muy cara. (Today I bought a laptop computer. It is very expensive.)No me gusta esta cancià ³n: es muy rencorosa. (I dont like this song. Its full of resentment.) In English, it is common to use it as the subject of a sentence in a vague sense, such as when talking about the weather: It is raining. It can also be used when talking about a situation: It is dangerous. Such as use of it in English is sometimes referred to as a dummy subject. In translation to Spanish, dummy subjects are nearly always omitted. Llueve. (It is raining.)Nieva. (It is snowing.)Es peligroso. (It is dangerous.)Es muy comà ºn encontrar vendedores en la playa. (It is very common to find vendors on the beach.)Puede pasar. (It can happen.) Saying It in Spanish as the Direct Object of a Verb As the direct object of a verb, the translation of it varies with gender. Use lo when the pronoun it refers to a masculine noun or la when it refers to a feminine noun.  ¿Viste el coche? No lo vi. (Did you see the car? I didnt see it.) ¿Viste la camisa? No la vi. (Did you see the shirt? I didnt see it.)No me gusta esta hamburguesa, pero voy a comerla. (I dont like this hamburger, but Im going to eat it.)Antonio me comprà ³ un anillo.  ¡Mà ­ralo!  (Antonio bought me a ring. Look at it!) ¿Tienes la llave? No la tengo. (Do you have the key? I dont have it.) If you dont know what it refers to, or if it refers to something abstract, use the masculine form: Vi algo.  ¿Lo viste? (I saw something. Did you see it?)No lo sà ©. (I dont know it.) Saying It in Spanish as an Indirect Object It is unusual in Spanish for an indirect object to be an inanimate object, but when it is use le: Dà ©le un golpe con la mano. (Give it a hit with your hand.)Brà ­ndale la oportunidad. (Give it a chance.) Saying It in Spanish as the Object of Preposition Here again, gender makes a difference. If the prepositional object refers to a noun thats masculine, use à ©l; if you are referring to a noun thats feminine, use ella. As objects of pronouns, these words can also mean him and her, in addition to it, so you need to let the context determine what is meant. El coche est roto. Necesito un repuesto  para à ©l. (The car is broken. I need a part  for it.)Me gusta mucho mi bicicleta. No puedo vivir sin ella. (I like my bicycle a lot. I cant live without it.)El examen fue muy difà ­cil. A causa de à ©l, no aprobà ©. (The test was very difficult. Because of it, I didnt pass.)Habà ­a muchas muertes antes de la guerra civil y durante ella. (There were many deaths before the civil war and during it.) When the object of a preposition refers to a general condition or something without a name, you can use the neuter pronoun for it, ello. It is also very common to use the neuter pronoun eso, which literally means this. Mi novia me odia. No quiero hablar de ello. (My girlfriend hates me. I dont want to talk about it.)Mi novia me odia. No quiero hablar de eso. (My girlfriend hates me. I dont want to talk about it.)No te preocupes por ello. (Dont worry about it.)No te preocupes por eso. (Dont worry about it.)

Friday, November 22, 2019

Anishinaabe People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Anishinaabe People - Essay Example The people could shelter these women and their children but they did not have similar positions with children born with Anishinaabe fathers in the society. Doodem which is their word for clan was borrowed from the English word totem. The clans which are mostly based on animals are very instrumental in conventional occupations, marriages and inter tribal relations. Even in modern day, the clan remains a very crucial part of the Anishinaabe identity (Basil 9). I came to understand that Anishinaabe’s understanding of kinship was very complex and included not only the nuclear family but also the extended family as well. It is regarded as a merging kinship system that is modified. As with any bifurcate merging kinship system, the children basically share similar kinship term with their parallel cousins since they are all part of the same clan. The bespoke system permits younger siblings to share similar kinship terms with cross cousins who are younger. The complexity vanishes further from the speaker’s instantaneous generation but some of the complexity is retained with women relatives. This kinship system reflects the philosophy of the Anishinaabe people of balance and interconnectedness among all the living generations as well as of all other generations from the past and of the future. Additionally to the Anishinaabe totem, clans belonging to other tribes are regarded as being related to the clans of Anishinaabe if they shar e the same designation. Consequently for instance, blending of an Anishinaabe bear clan.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Power and Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Power and Politics - Essay Example Other than being wife of Bill Clinton, Hillary had been a standing Senator for quite a few terms and had created an image of herself throughout the country through her ambitious dream of bringing each and every American under a comprehensive health scheme. Compared to that Obama was a first time Senator who had no political pedigree or lineage as such and above all, he was colored and had a Muslim sounding middle name and spent his childhood in far away Eastern countries. The odds were heavily stacked against Obama and truly nobody was prepared to give him much of a chance in the initial stages. But Obama and his clarion call â€Å"Yes, we can †¦Ã¢â‚¬  struck a chord among the masses, not only the colored ones but the entire American middle class and he created history. He derived his power essentially from referent base. Here was a man, just as ordinary as any American, has good education from Ivy League institutions, has a family just as most Americans have and above all, ha s a dream to change the sorry state of affairs. The combined charm of all these factors was too difficult for average Americans to be indifferent to. And, the fact that he is educated and articulate with a wife who is equally educated and articulate automatically vested in him an expert power that added to the huge faith that Americans reposed on him (Mind Tools 2005).

Monday, November 18, 2019

Outline the arguments for and against free trade Essay

Outline the arguments for and against free trade - Essay Example Free trade doesn't not only happen between the continents but it also happens between neighbouring nations. Argument about free trade can take many dimension including economic, moral, and socio-political arguments. Free trade takes many dimension and the proponents and opponents of the idea takes stands on the issue depending on their beliefs. In the last century, arguments on free trade were centred on the inequality that seems to persist between developed and developing nations which seem to be the mother of inequalities. There have been many campaigners who have been arguing for implementation of free trade policies in the last century and they hoped that the new century would come with a new perception on solving the inequalities between nations in the world through free trade. Apparently the campaign by these human activists and trade unions all over the world seem to have led to the development of essentially what we have been calling trade blocs that seems to emerge in all corners of the world. Analyzing the origin of the trade blocs, we can make formidable conclusion that all the trade blocks are created with an original aim of enhancing trade between members of the trade blocks. Trade blocs seem to be the new ideas on what the argument on free trade has taken. As we stand, the European Union remains to be the largest trade bloc in the world. European Union has been able to campaign for trade policies of its members and there is some success that can be attributed to the formation of the trade bloc. The European Union seems to be engaged in a massive recruitment of new members some who are not considered as vital to the operation of the bloc but a move which is seen as to consolidate more region under the bloc to empower it negotiation base. In America NAFTA has been negotiating for free trade for its members. Though small in number of members, NAFTA has been able to create a formidable trade bloc that has been able to negotiate for fair trade terms between its members and between the members and the international market. In South America, MERCOSUR has been expanding year after year admitting new member in South American and soon there is a possibility of the whole region coming under control of MERCOSUR. It has been able to negotiate for fair trade terms of its members in the international market. (Congressional Budget Office, 2003) In African, there are a number of trade blocs including SADDC, EAC, COMESA and others all which negotiate for free and fair trade terms between the members and between the member and the international community. In the Middle East there is the Gulf Council which brings together most of oil producing countries in the region together and which enables members to negotiate for free and fair trade terms. In Asia there also trade block which brings together members of the Asian community. But one peculiar view of Asia as far as trade blocks are concerned is the growing recruitment of some countries into the European Union especially the Balkan countries. This simple analysis shows how the concept of free trade has become to the world. It is the motto the modern international market. Eventually it seems as the concept of free and fair trade will lead to formation of new axis in the world all which will be campaigning for free trade. Let us look closely at arguments for and against free trade Arguments for free trade Since the concept of fr

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Physicochemical Profile of Synthesized Ferulate Esters

Physicochemical Profile of Synthesized Ferulate Esters PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SYNTHESIZED FERULATE ESTERS INTRODUCTION Today, there are ongoing attempts to use ferulic acid derivatives in several different areas of food (Manore et al. 2011), cosmetic (Di Domenico et al., 2009) and pharmaceutical (Shanthakumar et al., 2012; Suzuki et al., 2007) products due to their effective antioxidant properties by trapping and stabilizing radical species (Ergun et al., 2011). Transesterification with lipophilic molecules allows a better transportation of the compounds in different medium (Scapagnini et al., 2004) whereas selection of olive oil may improve the medicinal and cosmetic values (Viola Viola, 2009) of the synthesized products. Considering the promising results, this study was designed to delineate the profile for the synthesized ferulate esters. Mandloi et al. (2004) proposed that one of the most important stages to accomplish in the development of a new compound is the adequate physicochemical characterization, in order to determine the quality and help to describe the present conditions. Therefore, the physicochemical properties of synthesized ferulate esters were studied in term of sun protection factor (SPF) value, peroxide value, saponification value and iodine value. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials Solvents and chemicals (ethanol, chloroform, potassium iodide, acetic acid, sodium thiosulfate, starch, potassium hydroxide, phenolphthalein, hydrochloric acid, Wij’s solution) were purchased from Merck, Germany. SPF Value The procedure has been previously described by Dutra et al. (2004). 1.0 g of sample was weighed, transferred to a 100 mL volumetric flask, diluted to volume with ethanol, followed by ultrasonication for 5 min and then filtered through cotton, rejecting the ten first mL. A 5.0 mL aliquot was transferred to 50 mL volumetric flask and diluted to volume with ethanol. Then a 5.0 mL aliquot was transferred to a 25 mL volumetric flask and the volume completed with ethanol. The absorption spectra of sample in solution were obtained by using UV/Vis spectrometer (Perkin Elmer, Lambda 750) in the range of 290 to 450 nm using 1 cm quartz cell, and ethanol as blank. The absorption data were obtained in the range of 290 to 320, every 5 nm, and 3 determinations were made at each point, followed by the application of Mansur equation: SPF spectrophotometric value =CF x ∑ EE x I x Abs (Equation 4) Where,CF = correction factor (=10) EE = erythemal effect spectrum I = solar intensity spectrum Abs = absorbance of the sample The values of EE x I are constants and showed in Appendix D. Peroxide Value About 5.0 g of sample was weighed into a 250 mL conical flask. 10 mL of chloroform was added and swirled to dissolve the sample. The mixture was then mixed with 15 mL acetic acid and 1 mL potassium iodide solution. The mixture was further leaved for 5 minutes in a dark place. Then, 30 mL of distilled water was added followed by 1 mL of starch indicator. The solution was titrated with 0. 05 N of sodium thiosulfate until the blue color disappeared. The peroxide value is given by: Peroxide value =[(S – B) x N x 1000] / W (Equation 5) Where,S = volume of titrant (mL) for sample (ferulate esters) B = volume of titrant (mL) for blank N = normality of sodium thiosulfate solution (mmol/mL) 1000 = conversion of units (g/kg) W = sample (ferulate esters) mass (g) Saponification Value 2.0 g of sample was weighed into a 250 mL conical flask. About 25 mL of ethanolic potassium hydroxide solution was added. The mixture was then refluxed for 60 min. 1 mL of phenolphthalein solution was added and the mixture was titrated with the 0.5 N of hydrochloric acid until the pink color of the indicator just disappeared. The saponification value is given by: Saponification value =[(B – S) x N x 56.1] / W (Equation 6) Where,B = volume of titrant (mL) for blank S = volume of titrant (mL) for sample (ferulate esters) N = normality of hydrochloric acid (mmol/mL) 56.1 = molecular weight of potassium hydroxide (g/mol) W = sample (ferulate esters) mass (g) Iodine Value The sample for about 2.0 g was weighed into a 500 mL stoppered flask and 10 mL of chloroform was added. After that, 25 mL of Wij’s solution was pipetted into the flask, stoppered, and swirled to well-mix the mixture. The flask was then stored in the dark place for 30 minutes at room temperature and after that, 20 mL of potassium iodide (KI) was added followed with the addition of 100 mL freshly boiled and cooled distilled water. Then, the mixture was titrated with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate solutions (Na2S2O3) until the yellow colour almost disappeared. 1-2 mL of starch indicator was then added and the titration was continued until the blue colour just disappeared. A blank determination was carried out under the same condition. The iodine value is given by: Iodine value = [(B – S) x N x 126.9] / W (Equation 7) Where,B = volume of titrant (mL) for blank S = volume of titrant (mL) for sample (ferulate esters) N = normality of sodium thiosulphate (mmol/mL) 126.9 = molecular weight of iodine (g/mol) W = sample (ferulate esters) mass (g) RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS SPF Value Level of sun protection on the skin has traditionally been estimated using the sun protection factor (SPF). Sunscreen products with high SPF value may provide more adequate protection against the sun (Latha et al., 2013). Gregoris et al. (2011) claimed that sunscreen products are classified in conformity with their SPF values as it follows: from 2 to less than 12 are defined as minimal sun protection products, from 12 to under 30 is moderate sun protection products while sunscreens with SPF values of 30 or above are defined as high sun protection products. UV-Vis spectroscopy has been reported as a simple, rapid, and economic method in determining SPF values in many cosmetic formulations. This in vitro method is very useful as a screening test during product development before proceeding to the in vivo tests. In general, the method can be divided into two types: method that involve the measurement of absorption/transmission of UV radiation through sunscreen product films in quartz plates or biomembranes and method in which the absorption characteristics of the sunscreen agents are determined based on spectrophotometric analysis of dilute solutions (Kaur and Saraf, 2010; Dutra et al., 2004). Khazaeli and Mehrabani (2008) have successfully applied this technique through dilute solutions in determining SPF values of sixteen plants dissolved in methanol; Dracocephalum moldavica and Viola tricolor are found to have SPF values higher than 20 and suggested to be used in future topical sunscreens. Several nonvolatile and volatile herbal oils also being evaluated for their SPF values, where olive oil and coconut oil were revealed to have the best SPF values of 8 for nonvolatile herbal oil. On the other hand, peppermint oil and tulsi oil showed better SPF values of 7 than other volatile herbal oils which can be a potential candidate of perfumes during the formulation of sunscreens (Kaur and Saraf, 2010). Peroxide value There are several methods for evaluation of antioxidative action of a sample (Becker et al., 2004). The present method was used for the assessment of early oxidative changes in the ester through formation of primary oxidation products (peroxides and hydroperoxides). Peroxide value is defined as the milliequivalents (mEq) of peroxide per kilogram of sample. It is a redox titrimetric determination. High quality of products will have a peroxide value of zero. Peroxide values >20 correspond to very poor quality which normally would have significant off flavours (Nielsen, 2003). Saponification Value Since the fatty acids are attached to the glycerol backbone with ester bonds, the saponification value reflects the number of ester bonds per gram sample. It is simply defined as the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to saponify 1 g of ester. Therefore, the saponification value is an important measurement to indicate the mean molecular weight of the sample’s triacylglycerols (Wrolstad et al., 2005). Iodine Value The iodine value of an ester is used to measure the degree of unsaturation. The test measures the reaction of the double bonds with halogen, in this case iodine. Ekop et al. (2007) has reported that the higher the degree of unsaturation, the higher the iodine value. It expresses the concentration of the unsaturated fatty acids, together with the extent to which they are unsaturated, in a single number, and therefore was a simple and very useful quality number parameter. The properties of ferulate esters in term of SPF value, peroxide value, saponification value and iodine value are displayed in Table 6.1. Table 6.1:Â  Properties of ferulate esters No Test Unit 1 SPF value 16.0131 2 Peroxide value 17.52 3 Saponification value 191.3 4 Iodine value 88.02 CONCLUSION Physicochemical profile of synthesized ferulate esters was well examined where medium SPF value and peroxide value were attained. This indicates the products synthesized have a good antioxidant value for further used.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Relationships in Lawrences Sons and Lovers Essay -- Lawrence Sons and

Relationships in Lawrence's Sons and Lovers      Ã‚   There can be no argument that D. H. Lawrence's Son's and Lover's is a study of   human relationships. Gertrude Morel, because of her turbulent and odd relationship with her husband, ends up developing deep emotional relations with her two eldest son's. The second eldest in particular, Paul, is the receiver of most of this deep emotion. Because of these feelings and the deeper-than-usual emotional bond between the two, Paul has difficulty being comfortable in his own relationships.   Paul's relationship with Miriam is plagued by his mother's disapproval, jealousy, and Miriam 's own spirituality.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Paul's relationship with Miriam is one where the love is not allowed to flourish.   Although there is no doubt that there is love between the two, the forces around them create tension that suppresses it. Miriam believes herself not nearly as beautiful as she really is. Because of this she is always looking for things to love her. In the case of Paul she believes that if Paul was to need her, if she could take care of him, "if he could depend on her, if she could, as it were, have him in her arms, how she would love him."(137) However, this is never allowed to happen. Paul's mother Gertrude already occupies this space in his life. Thus the relationship between the two is a struggle for an identity. The relationship is a struggle between Paul and his mother and Paul and Miriam.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The main conflicts between Paul and Miriam are between physical- spiritual differences and his mother. Miriam holds spirituality very close to her. Thing with Miriam are always on a very spiri... ... giving in to his mother, he breaks it off with Miriam. We get the impression that Miriam waits for Paul forever. It concretely ends when his mother dies and he leaves to find himself.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Son's and Lover's is a study of human relationships. Paul is the receiver of most of his mothers deep emotional feelings and has with her a bond tighter than normal. Because of this Paul has trouble handling and being comfortable with his own relationships.   Paul's relationship with Miriam was plagued by his mother's disapproval. If it wasn't for the selfishness of his mother Paul would of most likely been happy with Miriam.    Work Cited    Lawrence, D. H. Sons and Lovers. New York: Viking, 1913. On-line. U of Virginia Electronic Text Center. Internet. 23 February 1998, www:

Monday, November 11, 2019

”Bon Voyage, Mr President” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay

Bon Voyage, Mr President is a short story written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. This is a tale of a South American President in exile. Nearing the end of his days, we are given an insight into the life of a man with injured pride, reminiscing the days that went by and so fast, where the President had lost everything he had worked for and knew. Quotes Bon Voyage, Mr. President ‘Resting on the silver handle of his cane’ This quotation emphasises the Presidents elegance and importance. His importance is enforced by the fact he carries a cane and not a common walking stick. A cane being the common tool of intimidation used by the military and by those who feel they are superior to the average civilian. The silver handle on the cane illustrates his elegance. He had style, elegance and capital, as well as authority, his overall effect being a man of status. ‘He was one more incognito in the city of illustrious incognitos’ This quotation is a contradiction. Incognito means in disguise, while illustrious means to stand out. This paradox sums up the President; he wants to not be noticed, but still wants fame. So while wearing clothes everyone else was wearing, something would make him stand out. He wants fame and power, but not for being the President in exile. ‘Only the weariness of his skin betrayed the state of his health’ Where the president dressed stylishly, with fine clothes, and his hair did not give away hints of age, with strands of grey hair, his skin was haggard and wrinkled that of an old man. The quotation shows that the president looked young and acted young, and if it were not for his skin he could have passed for a younger man. ‘On his first visit to Geneva the lake had been calm and clear and there were tame gulls that would eat of one’s hand’ This is a good example of Rhetoric. It uses sub textual language and Marquez uses persuasive writing. This statement implies that the president was very powerful and using the gulls as an analogy, compares them to civilians and how, once, they were at his beck and call. Reconstruction ‘When arriving in Trinidad he became one more poor man in a country full of powerful poor men’ This quotation is a contradiction; the stereo-typical poor person would not be powerful. This paradox expresses how the President must have felt. Opposed to his power and wealth from running a country, he was now somewhat inferior. In exile in a foreign country, he was surrounded by men that were raised in this milieu. Powerful, by the means, that they knew and almost dictated how everything worked. ‘Only the slight problem of not being a legal citizen in Trinidad deceived the actual situation of his affairs’ This quotation is a pejorative fact. The President might feel it a positive situation, as he could not be tied emotionally to any one place, so he cannot be hurt if he is, once more, thrown out, as in the case of Columbia. However it could also be a negative factor because things that will be a necessity for a comfortable life, e.g. a job, would be almost impossible to achieve. Free Choice; the Perplexing Simplicity of a Lack of Nothing ‘One never can see the thing in itself, because the mind does not transcend phenomena’ This statement has sub textual meaning. On the surface it means, you cannot see something if the mind does not believe that it can out do the extra-ordinary. But underneath that, I feel that this quotation almost has a moralistic sub textual meaning, this being if you think that within yourself, you can’t do something and you don’t attempt to, you will never be able to. Once convinced it is impossible, it is. ‘My vision began to diminish in both scope and clarity, and I prayed despondently for the message that I had left to be procured by those to whom I had intended it, and not by those to whom the exorbitant value was exceeded only by their macabre predilections’ This quotation is a fine example of the stereo-typical religious belief that praying in a difficult situation, you will be relieved of all problems. The character looks towards G-d to firstly protect him and secondly protect the information he has been entrusted with being recounted to the wrong people. The character believes that g-d will help him and this is a very good illustration of idolism. There are many comparisons to make between the above eight quotes, as well as between the three extracts, all being entirely individual pieces. Bon Voyage, Mr. President and the Reconstruction are both somewhat related in the means that they have the same story line and background, the similarities very evident. But, however, The Perplexing Simplicity of a Lack of Nothing is a very diverse piece of writing, expressing confusion, desperation and obscurity opposed to Bon Voyage, Mr. President and the Reconstruction, which was full of prosperity and understanding. All three of these extracts were well written and individual; however there are criticisms to be made. The President, in Bon Voyage, Mr. President, is a stereo-typical, military based, authoritarian figure. Things like ‘†¦stiff hat of a retired magistrate.’ Or ‘†¦arrogant moustache of a musketeer.’ all present the image of man in control, who would not commit a crime. In this description, nothing gives away any shrewdness or a clue that would reflect the offence he committed to be exiled. Marquez keeps some key information that would allow the reader to be more gripped by the short story, secret, and that, I feel, almost ruins the whole tale. By using a more Rhetoric type of writing the reader would find Marquez’s writing more intriguing. The Reconstruction is meant to be linked to Bon Voyage, Mr. President, however the author portrayed Mr. President as quite a different character. The author implied that the President was a laid back man, with much hope and little regret; he was looking towards the future and not at the past by saying ‘He now had a bounce in his step and he changed into a silk shirt with cotton shorts’. This Rhetoric gives the opposite impression to which Bon Voyage, Mr. President was trying to bestow. This is an easy mistake, but if read together would confuse the reader. The Perplexing Simplicity of a Lack of Nothing is a very difficult piece to understand, with maybe hidden meaning. There was hardly any significance that could be drawn from it. A huge failure, of the author, was that, there did not seem to be any constant story line, there was a base, but the majority jumped from idea to idea. Also, the words used were difficult to comprehend in a short story and too many used too close together. This material was more novel quality rather than an extract or short story, the author should have kept in mind what type of story they were asked to compose and not trail from it.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

6 Phone Interview Mistakes That Will Cost You the Job

6 Phone Interview Mistakes That Will Cost You the Job Phone interviews can be downright tricky. Whether you’ve had one before and it didn’t go well, or you’re just a worrywart by nature, here are 6 of the most common mistakes and how you can avoid them. 1. You’re obviously distractedYour interviewer can tell if you’re typing or scrolling through Facebook while you chat. Your interviewer can also hear whatever noise is going on around you. Find a quiet place with a reliable phone connection and then focus on the interview. If you get a phone call out of the blue, it’s okay- preferable even- to tell the interviewer that you’re not in an ideal place to talk and to reschedule.2. You’re not aware of who’s interviewing youYou have to know who you’re talking to and why. If you’re just having a quick chat with HR to verify your resume bullet points and contact information, it’s not the time to launch into your spiel for how you’ll singlehandedly save the company. And if you’re expecting that kind of call, but get your would-be boss or hiring manager instead, you need to be prepared. Make sure you know what to expect, to allow enough time and preparation.3. You’re not preparedThis is no different from a real interview in this respect. You need to do your homework. That means preparing a stock list of responses to possible hard-hitting questions, and be ready to impress. The more you can learn about the who and why of your interview, the better you’ll be able to target your preparations. Do be ready to explain who you are, why you care about the company, and to list a few highlights and accomplishments from your resume that will show them you can make it rain.4. You’re ramblingGood communications skills are crucial in a phone interview. The way you present yourself verbally here is your only tool toward making a good impression. That means keeping your answers clear, concise, and on the topic. That means no ‘um’s or ‘like’s or losing your train of thought in the middle of a run-on sentence. Make notes to yourself, even bulleted lists, and refer to them as often as you need (without reading from them by rote). Your interviewer will never know!5. You’re coming across as lacklusterYou might think it would be hard to communicate your energy and enthusiasm on the phone, rather than in person. And that’s partly true. You’ll want to make an extra effort to be effusive. Make sure to smile- studies show it actually makes a palpable difference in the way your voice sounds over the phone. Same with making gestures. Remember, be upbeat! You want this job!6. You’re not showing how much you want itYou know how much you want this gig. And you’re the only one who can make your interviewer know it. A great way to do this, beyond your upbeat demeanor, is to have intelligent questions prepared that show your genuine interest in the company and how serious you are about getting this position. It’s not a faux pas to say explicitly how much you value the opportunity to interview and how interested you are in moving forward. Just make sure to follow-up with a sincere thank you note.If you make sure to guard against the above mistakes, you’ll already be well placed to get the job, even over the phone.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Essay about Alive, but Without Life

Essay about Alive, but Without Life Essay about Alive, but Without Life Alive, but without life Alzheimer’s The Silent Disease Abstract The purpose of this paper is to describe Alzheimer’s disease and the affects it has on humans. Alzheimer’s is a sad deadly disease that aged people fear of having. Sadly more than half the population in humans 75 and old have it in one form or another. There are other types if memory disease, however, this paper is only going to cover Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is the fifth leading cause of death in elderly people. However, there is no cure and no ways on know exactly what causes Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that affects the behavior, thought process and the memory of older people. A German Doctor named DR. Alois Alzheimer, discovered Alzheimer’s by observing a patient and her reaction to certain things. This patient died after years of degenerating memory problems, confusion and difficulty understanding questions. After her death Dr. Alzheimer’s performed an autopsy, his finding were very inconclusive. He found dense deposits around the nerve cells he called this neuritic plaques. Inside the nerve cell, he discovered twisted bands of fibers called neurifibrillary tangles. Neuritic plaques are the pieces or protein and other matter that surround the neuron. The neurifibrillary tangles are protein build up inside the neuron. These two work together to disrupt the brain normal function and increases when someone has AD. Our brain have these two things in them to begin with, they just have more with AD. Sadly, Alzheimer’s disease is none to be the fifth leading cause of death in people 65 and older. After his discovery in 1906, of this usual disease Dr. Alzheimer’s studied AD until his death in 1915. He had no idea that this discovery would bear his name a few years after his death. At the time of his discovery, Dr. Alzheimer thought an organic matter caused the disorder. However, to this day the cause of AD is still unknown. Dr. Alzheimer died December 19, 1915 of tonsillitis, which resulted in him getting nephritis. While alive, he published multiply papers on dementia and the different kinds and there affects to the human brain. Since its discoverer y, there have been many breakthroughs, like the discovery of a link between cognitive decline and the number of plagues and tangles in the brain. In the 1960’s, when this discovery was made about the cognitive decline, the medical board recognized that is was not a normal part of aging and that something had to be done to cure it. Since then AD has have a large increase of attention into the nerve cells in the human brain. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disease that gets worse over time, until the person dies. In many cases, AD is actually the cause of death or the reaction to causing the person to get another illness.AD is a leading cause of pneumonia in people 85 and older, because they forget to keep themselves up (like taking their medications) and they sometime forget to swallow the mucus inside them causing pneumonia. As with the rest of our bodies our brain has to change to adapt to the changes we go through during life. AD leads to nerve cell and tissue loss threw out the whole brain. Over time, the brain of someone with AD shrinks causing it to loss normal functioning. In today’s research, there have been many discoveries of there being stages that come along with AD. Researchers have discovered there are ten stages of AD. Stage one being the stage where someone starts to have a greater a mount of memory loss that may disrupt his or her daily lives. The most common side effect in the beginning is forgetting things they just learned. In the second stage, people start to have problems with problem solving and planning things. People with AD may start to notice the little things like not being able to follow a plan or even work out problems with numbers; there concentration seems to decrease in this stage. The third stage gets to

Monday, November 4, 2019

Carl Jung Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Carl Jung - Essay Example When these processes are considered irrelevant, that is when mental sickness is believe to happen. Carl is the pioneer of modern psychology, along with Alfred Adler and Freud. He is a master of several disciplines from art to theology to modern physics. Jung’s work on Collective Unconsciousness forms the basis of word association tests as well as Meyers-Briggs personality tests. He was an inexhaustible writer; his famous works include The Psychology of the Unconscious (1912) and Psychological Types (1921). (NNDB, 2012) As Jung approached his adolescence, he focused his attention on zoology, religion, paleontology, medicine and psychology. On getting into the Basel University, in 1895, his primary focus became medicine. Throughout his university life, he also became thrilled by the growing science of psychiatry. He became an assistant physician at the Mental Hospital of Burgholzli in Zurich in 1990. He worked under the course of renowned Eugen Bleuler, whose leading work in the meadow of schizophrenia predicted that psychological imbalances arose not only from the occurrence of conflicting desires and beliefs inside the psyche, along with the physical weakening of the brain. Pierre Janet was a source of influence for Carl as he studied under Janet’s supervision in a seminar in Paris. The detailed report that Janet produced with the assistance from Carl gave the idea that distressing incidents produce influential emotionally charged beliefs which, even though pushed out of conscious evoke or totally forgotten, often persistent to apply a commanding pressure on the individual’s behaviors and emotions for quite a few years. (Cherry) Combining the work of Janet and Bleuler, Jung started to derive a novel theory of the unconscious mind processes that were the reason for establishing significantly parallel to that being concurrently equal to work of Sigmund Freud. Jung’s theories were exclusively his own and were a part of a novel psycholog y, in which this psyche was seen as a lively growth-oriented body balanced between two complementary and powerful drives: the uniformly significant drive towards making a harmonious, coherent incorporation of all the inside aspects of self (integration), and the desire to learn and implement new viewpoints (differentiation). The basic concept that became the basis of Jung’s later work and theory was the conversion of mandala-type view of body and soul. But, on a temporary basis the persona in the outside world is self predicted complicated, complex and opponent. (Boeree, 2006) Edifying on Janet and Blueler, and later comprise Freud, Jung had the premise that good expression and amalgamation of the complicated, co-dependent constituents within the bigger self was frequently short-circuited by familial or social conditioning and distressing events, suppressing the natural drives of an individual. The outcome was different degrees of mental illness in the outline of deep patholo gical psychosis or immobilizing neurosis. When Jung discovered the complicated cases as internal schism during his time at Burgholzli , he was better able to develop his theory in this time period. Subsequently, as a chief physician, he broadened his horizon and developed partnerships with word association researchers to better comprehend and revive the experience of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Lose Control in Gas and Oil Industry Term Paper

Lose Control in Gas and Oil Industry - Term Paper Example Often, these salt producers found the oil and gas that erupted along with the salt brine to be a nuisance. However, some intrepid salt manufacturers sold it for medicinal purposes, or to burn as lighting fuel. Although the natural gas industry is purported to have begun in 1821, George Bissel and Edwin L. Drake created the first drilling rig that was ever used for the specific production of oil on August 28, 1859 near Titusville, Pennsylvania. This well, named the Drake, is considered the first intentional well drilled for oil, as other wells that were drilled at the time were for salt brine or water. ( History_of_the_petroleum_industry_in_the_United_States) The drilling for oil became a phenomenon that sparked many new enterprising companies to start their own oil-related ventures. This â€Å"boom† as it commonly referred to, created a need for workers on a massive scale that was not there in the past. They now needed refineries, drilling tools an d most importantly, manpower. There was so much money to be made in the drilling and production of these new wells that loss of a man’s 2 life became known as acceptable risk, and simply turned a blind eye to the likelihood of being injured or killed. In the oilfield’s infancy, the most common cause of death for these men was the well caving in on them, fires, and explosions. It was not until the year 1900, when a Texas man by the name of Curt Hamill came up with the revolutionary idea of using mud in the hole to flush it out as they drilled, instead of water. This proved to be a remarkable act, as not only did it allow the cuttings to surface, it prevented the hole from caving in. mud is used in just about every drilling operation world wide since. ( 2. Training and Impact on the Oil and Gas Industry In today’s oil and gas industry, there is no longer an acceptable risk hazard associated with the work itself. A singl e death is not acceptable, regardless of the circumstance. Most commonly, deaths occur from either fire or unsafe work, although there are many variables in the number of recordable deaths in the oil and gas sector each year. Given today’s higher standards, the oil and gas business have implemented a wide variety of standards, assessments, and analyses on each type of work performed. These new instructions have greatly improved the production, as well as significantly increased the health and safety of all employees involved. The training of potential employees is extensive, with much emphasis on safety procedures and equipment. They receive this training before they are allowed to enter a location where drilling or fracturing is taking place. Even with company specific training, there are still many other classes all potential and present employees must attend. These include but are not limited to fall hazards and protection, tripping hazards, pinch points, chemicals and the ir uses, confined space 3 training, among other certifications. Another key point in the training of new employees is the stress put on what is commonly called stop work authority. This enables any employee to stop work if any perceived or real unsafe condition exists, without repercussion. This can include shutting down a job completely, and cost the company millions of dollars. This was implemented to ensure safe procedures, and safe work